Kelsee and Brooke's Blogs

Friday, November 28, 2008

Twilight the Movie reveiw :D

hey! I haven't been able to blog forever and ever because of school, dance, etc.

So, all my friends saw Twilight and loved it! I, however, was a bit reluctant to see it. The commercials I had seen looked cheesy and i don't think they picked the characters well. I didn't want a bad movie to ruin how I imagined everything in the books. After hearing all my friends saying how good it was I decided to go with my Momma and sister on Thanksgiving to see it. It wasn't terrible. I think they stayed close to the book and didn't venture from the plot, which made me happy :D The main problem that I had with it though was that they just skimmed everything. Just barely touched on every part. One second Edward and Bella are eating dinner and the next minute Edward seems to be chasing Bella into a forest? Huh? lol. No relationships were developed between the characters. I didn't feel that love and need that Bella and Edward eventually feel toward each other. What's the relationship between Jacob and Bella? What's the relationship between Jessica and Bella? What's the relationship between Bella and Rosalie and Bella and Alice? Etc, etc. Why is Edward all of the sudden playing the piano? It didn't show that Edward wrote that song for Bella. You would've had to have read the book to understand that. I haven't read the first book for a while, but i remember hearing a lot more detail on Carlisle's story. Also, there was a lot more detail on the werewolves and the vampires from Jacob and his tribe. The movie was just so....thin compared to the book (if that makes any sense?)

sorry that was a super long paragraph. I thought i should skip a line to make this look a bit shorter and more readable. The meadow. To me that was a special part, it's where i think their relationship took a leap and they began to more strongly (love my grammar?) dive into their relationship. In the movie it was portrayed a little along the scary side. Not special at all. :(

It didn't help this old fat guy sitting behind us would start laughing hysterically at EVERY little part!

I would recommend it though. If you haven't seen it, go into it with an open mind!